
A cartoonish drawing of a white trans Jew with hair dyed bright purple. It is wearing a kippah as well as big glasses with thick frames, large rectangular earrings, and brightly colored eyeshadow and lipstick in a variety of greens, yellows, and pinks. It has a denim jacket on over a light brown dress.
Image ID: A cartoonish drawing of a white trans Jew with hair dyed bright purple. It is wearing a kippah as well as big glasses with thick frames, large rectangular earrings, and brightly colored eyeshadow and lipstick in a variety of greens, yellows, and pinks. It has a denim jacket on over a light brown dress.

The Inclusive Siddur Project is the work of brin solomon [ it / itself ]. Mx solomon has no specific training in siddur making, nor does it have any advanced degrees in Hebrew studies; it's just an idealistic trans Jew who got tired of waiting for someone else to make the prayerbook it wanted to see in the world and decided to do the thing itself. All its learning comes from books, online classes, and extremely patient friends answering increasingly convoluted questions about ever more arcane topics. When it's not causing liturgical mayhem on purpose, it writes ecstatic and evocative classical music, showtunes that "add magic to otherwise ordinary lives", and plays that are "agitprop for Julia Serano". You can read more about all that at its artist website, www.brinsolomon.com.